
Argentine Tango & Tango therapy classes

Tango Basic I

This classes are aimed for those who want to start dancing tango and those who want to rehearse the basics of tango! We will practice the basic steps and the basic skills required to eventually master the Argentine tango. You will be able to move with a partner to the music and be able to dance the most common step combinations.

No previous knowledge required. Anyone who can keep up with the music can learn to dance the tango, regardless of age and experience.

Tango Basic II

In Basic Class II, you develop your technique in posture, embrace and steps. You will get more material for your basic technique and to create more flow in your tango. We will also introduce new movements, ”step frequencies” and techniques to enrich your tango repertoire. You will also get acquainted with milonga and tango waltz and how you can use your existing tango repertoire in these dances.

This classes are aimed for those who have taken Basic Course I or equivalent. The layout also works well for you who want to rehearse the basics of tango but do not want to start completely from scratch. 

Tango Continuation

This classes are aimed for those of you who have the basics of tango and want to expand your repertoire, get more technology and a more secure contact. In this course we will work with the technology in posture, embracing and steps. We will bring in new movements and sequences to enrich your tango repertoire. You want to feel that you dance more to the music and feel more confident in your own movements and in your repertoire.Both for you who are starting to feel comfortable in the elementary basics of tango and want to develop your technique to feel safe in your dance, and for you who have many years of experience but want to spice up your dance with an expanded repertoire.

Each class is built up ”layer upon layer” so that those with less experience can learn the initial ”layers” and those with more experience get new challenging movements and sequences.

Develop Your Tango

This classes are aimed for those who know the basic basics of tango and want to develop your technique to feel safe in your dance. We will focus on gradually increasing your awareness of the room, the body, the music and your partner. This awareness will give you quality and fluency in the dance. You will expand your repertoire so that you feel freer to express yourself through more possibilities and variations. By becoming more skilled on the basics, you will find it easier to combine more possibilities, which gives better flow and more enjoyable dances.

The course is aimed at those who have taken a basic course in tango and another course / workshop, as well as danced on practilongas and milongas. 

Tango Musicality

This classes are aimed for those who have the basics of tango and want to develop your musical register.

When we dance, we express the orchestra’s music through our dance. As dancers, we want to reflect the rhythm and energy of the music. We will go through different ”music styles” during the development of tango, as well as tango waltz and milonga. 

Tango Therapy

This classes, based on the principles from Neurotango®, are aimed for you with Dementia, Altzheimers or Multiple scolerosis.

We will help you to find balance in one half of the body and find the body axis. Stimulation of both brain halves through contemporaneous coordination of right and left. Improvement of safety walking (in the long-term reducing of tumbles as you learn to dodge the free leg). Improvement of balance and reaction, e.g. in the traffic and everyday life, in order to compensate the decrease of the sensory abilities and increase the reaction ability. Improved body awareness. Strengthen self-confidence and improvement of self-esteem as well as motivation to pursue the further training.

Private classes

Do you feel that you want to develop your tango further? Do you want advice and tips for what exactly you need to develop? Is there any specific technique you want to focus a little extra on? Then a private class can be a really good idea! For one hour, full focus on you and your tango. 


Tango Workshops

Mindfulness Tango: Tango Meditation – to be in the precent

Tango is a path that host the opposite polarities – the yin and yang. Mindfulness tango is a living art, as natural as nature, spontaneous, beautiful, calm or fiery, dramatic or meditative. Tango calls for respect, awakened consciousness, self-love, mindfulness and ego-less state.
Tango is walking meditation.

In this workshop we use a coaching method that teaches a mindful way to grow to a new together in the embrace, finally experiencing the secret of tango. First of all, we develop awareness for ourselves and serenity for our partner. Using a reduced technical approach, the focus lies on connection, energy flow, breathing, mindfulness and consciousness to yourself and your partner.

Mindfulness Tango: Lead and follow in both roles

Tangon contains three elements of contact:
Silence – in your mind
Relaxation – arms and shoulders
Listen – to your partner

This is done through your embrace and in this workshop in communication within the couple, we focus on the basic elements of tango in contact. We will explore force and counterforce, the body’s movement paths, and follow / follow. The purpose is to understand the elements that enable communication and improvisation within the couple beyond the traditional driver / follower roles. Movements can then be improvised based on the music, the mood and what the partner does.

Tango is often described as a ”macho” dance, with men leading and women following. Following and conveying the concepts easily leads to a limited view of a much richer communication that takes place in the embrace of the tango. Once you know how to dance, you soon realize that even though there are specific roles, both parties are followers of each other.

The workshop is aimed at tango dancers at all levels, but you should have taken at least a beginner’s course and feel comfortable in the basic elements of tango. The knowledge from this workshop can be applied to both traditional tango and a more experimental tango.

Tango Nuevo

We will work with basic steps and figures that most people recognize who have danced a few semesters at the intermediate level. You feel comfortable in Ochos and Giros, those figures will be used in frequencies that may feel unfamiliar, where it will alternate between tight and open embrace and in and out of common balance axis. So it is not something we recommend for the beginner. The workshop is aimed at those of you who are at the intermediate level and dance regularly.

The workshop will focus on how the space between and around two bodies can be used in improvised step frequencies containing e.g. a Colgadas, Enganches (Legwraps) and Soltadas. 

Sacadas, Boleos and Calesita

In this workshop, we will from the circular dynamics of ochos work with sacadas, boleos and calesita. We go through the technology required and give you some figures to take to the social dance floor. The workshop is for you who have taken at least an advanced course, danced for a year and feel well acquainted with forward and backward otchos.

… and more

Of course, we can make workshops that suits your needs. Just let us know what specific elements or themes you are interested in and we will suggest you a program.  


active relaxation with Tango & Mindfulness

Tango Relationship Therapy 

Deepen your contact with yourself and/or your partner.

Today’s hectic lifestyle can be stressful for the relationship. High workload, problems with the children, money issues, high expectations of life and the relationship often gnaw at our well-being and our relationship. The partner often becomes a valve for accumulated tension that puts the relationship to difficult trials.

With the help of the tools from the Neurotango® concept, you will witness acceptance, love and well-being. Our retreats often also includes other elements such as hiking, yoga and meditation in a pleasant and beautiful environment. Our teaching is advantageous when it comes to finding deep connection on and off the dance floor in a relaxed way. Similar retreats are also given for singles. Our holistic tango retreats are suitable for all couples and singles who are looking for better communication and connection.

Tango Mindfulness

In Tango Mindfulness you discover yourself and develop personal growth.

Tango is a constant flow of communication and connection between two people. To lead and follow, we want to develop into a feeling that two independent dancers have a beautiful exchange. To achieve this, we work with techniques to become more grounded while remaining light in our movements, exploring musicality and building trust by learning to trust ourselves and our partners.
By sending energy from our center to our relaxed arms, parts, legs and feet, we can create elegant and beautiful movements. We become aware of spirals and lines in our body.
Instead of working with ”tango steps”, we will discover our natural body logic and how all movements come from basic principles. We will join our partner in various past of embrace and find a flow to our dance with all these elements.

Our Tango Mindfulness also retreats other elements such as hiking, yoga, meditation in a pleasant and beautiful environment. The retreat is open to both experienced dancers and tango dancers who have just begun their journey.